Violence and pregnancy

You hope it will never happen to you, but research shows that 3 to 8 % of women (both in Belgium and abroad) become victim of partner abuse during pregnancy. Sex workers are also at risk of encountering violence in the workplace. What can you do if you are a victim? And what if you know someone who is a victim?

Violence and pregnancy

Violence during pregnancy can have serious consequences for both mother and child such as:

  •  Increased risk of miscarriage
  • Increased risk of preterm birth, labour or contractions
  • Increased risk of infant mortality

Are you or anyone you know a victim of violence whether pregnant or not? Don't keep it to yourself!

  • Confide in someone.
  • Contact your doctor or an aid worker.
  • Call freephone 1712 – Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Go to the police.

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