
A condom protects you from pregnancy and STIs.

Condoms come in different sizes, thicknesses, shapes, flavours, colours and materials. Most condoms are made from either latex or polyurethane. Although latex condoms are more popular, some people with a latex allergy should use polyurethane condoms.

Check whether there is a CE marking on the packaging which proves that the product meets the European standards 

If you want the condom to protect you, you must put it on in the right way.

When thinking about condoms, most people only think of the standard condom that is rolled over the penis. However, there are several other types of condoms available, e.g. the female condom and the dental dam.


  • Most condoms don’t mix well with oil. Oil can damage a condom and cause it to break. Be careful with massage oil or oil-based lubricants.
  • Use a new condom every time you have sex.
  • Never put two condoms on top of each other and never use a men's condom and a female condom together. There is a greater risk of the condom breaking!

How to put on a condom with your mouth?

  • Put the unrolled condom behind your teeth.
  • Press the tip of the condom against your palate with your tongue.
  • You can now roll down the condom over the penis in one movement with your hands or use your mouth to roll it down in the same way as when giving a blow job.

How to put on a condom?

  • Before putting on the condom, you must make sure that there is no contact between penis, vagina, mouth and anus.
  • Make sure that there is no oil on your hands, as this can damage the condom[KW1] .
  • Check that the packaging is intact, that it has a CE marking and is in-date[KW2] .
  • Carefully open the package. Watch out with long nails and using your teeth.
  • Hold the tip of the condom between thumb and index finger to make sure no air is left inside. If you don’t, the condom may break later.
  • Place the condom over the erect (hard) penis.
  • Completely unroll the condom.
  • Put some lubricant on the condom.
  • Make sure the customer withdraws his penis immediately after ejaculation. You may need to keep your fingers on the outer rim of the condom to hold it place and prevent it slipping off and spilling sperm once the penis gets limp again.
  • Remove the condom, tie it off and throw it in the bin.

Tip: If you want to be sure that your condom is intact after sex, you can fill it with water and check for leaks.


Broken condom

During oral sex

Did you get pre-cum (pre-ejaculatory fluid) or semen in your mouth? Try to spit it out right away. Rinse your mouth with water. Be sure not to swallow or gargle. The mucous membrane of the throat is very thin and allows germs to pass easily. Do not brush or floss your teeth right away as this may cause small wounds. Wait for an hour or more before eating anything.

During vaginal sex

Squatting and pushing gently can help let the sperm run out of your vagina. Never try to remove sperm with your fingers or an object because this can cause small injuries.

Vaginal douching is not recommended because it pushes the bacteria deeper into your body instead of expelling them. You can wash externally with water instead. Do not use irritating products, such as soap, Isobetadine, bleach, Dettol, vinegar, that risk damaging the vagina.

If your condom broke you run the risk of getting STIs. Get tested.

Not using contraceptives increases your risk of getting pregnant. 

During anal sex

Try to squeeze out the sperm. Do this by sitting on the toilet or squatting. Do not douche or use your fingers to clean out your anus because you can damage the fragile bacteria from the mucosal tissues of the intestinal tract. You can also cause small lesions when bringing an object into your anus.

You can wash externally with water instead. Do not use irritating products, such as soap, Isobetadine, bleach, Dettol, vinegar, that risk damaging the intestinal tract.

You may have reason to believe that you have been exposed to HIV when a condom breaks. When that happens, you can take PEP, emergency medication against HIV. Consult the section on PrEP and PEP for more information.

The female condom

The female condom is made from latex or polyurethane and must be inserted correctly into the vagina. A big advantage of this condom is that it can be inserted well before you have sex. It offers protection against genital warts, herpes and syphilis because it also covers the labia and the area around them, unlike a standard condom. A possible disadvantage is that it can make noises during sex. Putting on some extra lubricant can solve this.

Make sure the penis goes in the condom and not next to it. 

You can use a female condom for vaginal and anal sex. It can only be used once.

How do I insert a female condom?

  1. Make sure the soft inner ring is on the closed end of the condom.
  2. Squeeze the inner ring together and bring it in the vagina.
  3.  With your finger, push the condom as far up the vagina as possible.
  4. You can cover the labia with the outer ring and the bit that stays outside the vagina.
  5. Guide the penis into the condom to avoid it going next to it.

Dental dam

A dental dam is a thin piece of rubber that can be used during oral sex to protect against genital warts, herpes, syphilis and yeast infections. The dam is put over the vagina and labia (or anus). You can hold the piece in place yourself. You can make your own dental dam by cutting a condom in half and use it as protection when giving a blow job. Non-perforated cling film can also be used for this purpose.


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