Below, you will find a description of the different STDs.
Here, you will also find all information if you wish to be tested.
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C
- What is hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C is a contagious liver disease caused by a virus.
- How is it transmitted?
Most infections occur by infected blood ending up directly in the blood of another person. This may happen by using an infected syringe or by a blood transfusion.
The use of infected toothbrushes, razor blades or needles also carries a risk.
Men having sex with men and people with HIV carry a bigger risk of a hepatitis C infection. Important risk factors are: fisting (fist-fucking), long term rough and unprotected anal sex, the shared use of sex toys.
- Complaints
It can take a few years before symptoms occur such as tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea and vague abdominal pain.
Some people heal spontaneously without treatment, they get rid of the virus and are no longer contagious to others.
If left untreated, the virus will in most cases stay in the body, in which case the carrier remains contagious. The infection of the liver then also remains. This is called chronic liver infection, which in the long run may lead to serious and permanent liver damage. This is called liver cirrhosis, which eventually may cause liver cancer.
- Preventing infection
In contrast to hepatitis B, it is not possible to be vaccinated against hepatitis C.