Organisations for transgender people
Boysproject in Antwerp is an organisation for male and transgender sex workers.
They organise a drop in every Wednesday where you can meet other sex workers. You can also go online for a chat or make an appointment. They collaborate with Violett for the medical aspects.
Gives information and advice on transgender issues. You can go there for care and if you have medical, social, legal and/or psychological questions.
Freephone 0800 96 316
Institute for equality of Women and Men
Deze organisatie heeft een aparte werking voor transgenders. Ze komen op voor de aanvaarding van transgenders in de samenleving en ondersteunen transgenders die slachtoffer zijn van geweld of discriminatie.
This is an association that promotes the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people.
Cavaria organises the Holebiphone which is also open to transgender people and can be reached 0800 99 533.
In Flanders you will find a "roze huis" in several cities. It is a meeting place for LGBT associations and individuals (lesbian, gays, bisexual and transgender people).
"Rainbow House Brussels is an umbrella organisation for various Dutch and French-speaking LGBTQI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersexual) associations of the Brussels region. In Wallonia, "Arc-en-ciel Wallonie" is an umbrella organisation for various French-speaking LGBT (lesbians, gays, bis and transgender) associations.
Do you have any further questions?
2000 Antwerp
Currently we only work by appointment. Call 03 293 95 91.
Monday14.00 - 16.00Tuesday/Wednesday10.00 - 12.0018.00 - 20.00Thursday/Friday10.00 - 12.00
For general questions:
Monday09.00 - 17.00Tuesday09.00 - 17.00Wednesday09.00 - 17.00Thursday09.00 - 17.00Friday09.00 - 17.00
9000 Gent
Currently we only work by appointment. Call 09 233 47 67.
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday11.00 - 13.00
For general help and social assistance:
Monday/Tuesday13.00 - 17.00Wednesday/Thursday13.00 - 17.00Friday10.00 - 14.00
3500 Hasselt
Currently we only work by appointment. Call 011 33 30 58.
Monday10.00 - 12.00Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/
For general questions and social assistance:
By phone or for an appointment