Safe BDSM : bondage

When you engage in BDSM activities, you must have detailed knowledge of the different techniques. BDSM carries very high safety risks if you have no knowledge of and experience with these practices. The following rules apply to all BDSM acts:

  • Only use attributes that you can clean. Check this when buying sex toys.
  • In the event of injuries, avoid direct contact with blood, wound and bodily fluids.


What is bondage?

Bondage is tying or restraining a person with a rope, scarf, handcuffs or chain for erotic purposes. Different types, techniques and materials are used. If you intend to practice bondage, you should follow a training course to prevent injuries.


  • Only do bondage with customers you trust. Mutual trust is key in bondage.
  • Never let a stranger tie you up.
  • Always stay close to someone who is tightly bound and keep a knife or scissors on hand to quickly cut the ropes in case of emergency.
  • Always make clear agreements with the customer on the tightness of the ropes, safe sex, etc.
  • Always agree a stop word.
  • To avoid the risk of suffocation, never tie a rope around someone’s neck.
  • Loosen the ropes when your partner’s skin turns white, blue or purple or when you notice swelling which may be a sign of blood circulation problems.

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