Below, you will find a description of the different STDs.
Here, you will also find all information if you wish to be tested.
Wat is hepatitis A en wat zijn de klachten?
Hepatitis A
- What is hepatitis A?
Hepatitis A is caused by a virus and can lead to an infection of the liver.
- How is it transmitted?
The virus is transmitted by infected food or water (for example during a holiday) and sexual contact: anal-, anal-oral sex, pee seks and scat sex, sharing sex toys.
The virus is very contagious. Good hygiene is important, especially when you have anal and oral sex.
- Complaints
Two to eight weeks after infection general complaints may develop such as tireness, loss of appetite, nausea, flu-like symptoms, fever and pain in the top right of the abdomen.
The white of the eye and the skin may turn yellow (jaundice). Urine may become darker in colour; stool may become lighter in colour.
- Preventing infection
Men who have sex with men (MSM) are advised to get tested and vaccinated against hepatitis A. You can get information about this topic at Violett!