Below, you will find a description of the different STDs.
Here, you will also find all information if you wish to be tested.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B
- What is hepatitis B?
Hepatitis B is caused by a virus and can lead to a serious infection of the liver. The virus is in the blood, sperm, pre-cum and vaginal fluid of infected people.
- How is it transmitted?
The virus is transmitted when infected blood, sperm, pre-cum or vaginal fluid come into contact with wounds on the skin or with one of the body’s mucous membranes, for instance through unprotected sexual contact.
The virus may also be transmitted via blood when pricking an infected needle or using an infected razor blade or toothbrush.
A mother with hepatitis B may transmit hepatitis B to her baby during delivery.
- Complaints
A hepatitis B infection may progress in 2 different ways, acute or chronic.
- Acute
Two to six months after infection, general complaints may develop such as tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea, flu-like symptoms, fever and pain in the top right of the abdomen.
The white of the eye and the skin may turn yellow (jaundice). Urine may become darker in colour; stool may become lighter in colour.
The jaundice disappears after a few weeks, but the tiredness lasts for weeks or months.
- Chronic
In five to ten percent of cases, the virus does not disappear and remains in the body for the rest of one’s life. In this case, the carrier remains contagious to others. For a small number of carriers, the liver remains inflamed. In the long run, this increases the risk of developing liver cancer.
- Preventing infection
If you do not want to risk getting infected, you can be vaccinated at Violett free of charge!