Overview STDs: wat is hiv en wat zijn de klachten?

Below, you will find a description of the different STDs.  

Here, you will also find all information if you wish to be tested.

Wat is hiv en wat zijn de klachten?


What is HIV?

HIV is an abbreviation for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. HIV is the virus that eventually causes AIDS.

The virus attacks the body’s natural immune system. 

It is present in (menstruation) blood, sperm, pre-cum, vaginal fluid, pus and in the breast milk of an infected person. 

How is it transmitted?

The virus can be transmitted in several ways:

  • Through unsafe sex: by having vaginal or anal sex without a condom and to a lesser degree oral sex without a condom or a dental dam, but also when infected blood, sperm or vaginal fluid comes into contact with the mucous membrane of another (for instance through fingers or a dildo when masturbating each other).
  • Through infected blood ending up in the blood stream, for instance by sharing infected needles or by medical staff pricking themselves on an infected needle.
  • A mother with HIV can transmit the virus to her baby through the blood during pregnancy or delivery or later on through breastfeeding. 

HIV cannot be transmitted through saliva, sweat, tears, urine or stools, except if (visible) blood ends up directly in the bloodstream of the other person. 

You can’t get HIV from drinking from another person’s cup, neither from coughing, insect bites, swimming pools or toilet seats.  In day-to-day interactions, there is no risk of transmitting HIV!


In the beginning, the weakening of the immune system often goes unnoticed.  But after a while, the body increasingly struggles to fight infections and conditions, such as skin and lung infections, often chronic. Forgetfulness (dementia) may also be a complaint.  At this stage, the disease is called AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).


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