Pregnancy discomforts

During pregnancy, your body changes inside and out. Your hormone levels change, a baby grows inside you and your body adapts. These physical changes can sometimes cause minor harmless discomforts which usually disappear after a while.

On this page we give a brief overview of these possible changes and some tips. Some of the changes can impact your work. 

Please note that each body responds differently to a pregnancy and not everything listed on this page may apply to you.

Did you know that:

You shouldn't use a sunbed when pregnant?

You have more vaginal discharge in pregnancy?

Morning sickness


  • You may feel nauseous as a result of the hormonal changes.
  • This (usually) improves after three months of pregnancy.
  • Nausea can strike in the morning and, in some women, can last all day.
  • Your sense of smell changes in pregnancy. Some odours can get more acute and unpleasant smells can provoke nausea.


  • Eat a rusk, toast, slice of bread or a pot of yogurt before you get up.
  • It is important to eat regular meals. Eat at least three times a day: breakfast, lunch and supper.
  • Eat a healthy snack in between.
  • Have a light breakfast.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid highly seasoned and greasy meals.
  • Avoid unpleasant smells.
  • Eat a light meal before bedtime.
  • Adapt your sex techniques if you experience nausea while working.

Important: Consult a doctor or a midwife if you vomit more than three times a day.



Fatigue during pregnancy may differ according to the stage of your pregnancy:

  • As a result of changes in your hormone levels, you may feel very tired in the beginning of your pregnancy.
  • Usually, your energy returns in the second trimester.
  • Fatigue often returns towards the end of pregnancy. Your growing belly makes sleeping more difficult and increases your urge to urinate.


  • Take enough rest.
  • Try to work at fixed times, stick to a daily routine.
  • Try to work only during the day.
  • If you work at night, try to sleep enough during the day.
  • Try to relax before going to bed: watch a film, read a book, exercise or take a bath.
  • Try to set your worries aside before going to bed.
  • Block out noise and light from your bedroom.
  • Make sure your bedroom is well-ventilated and at a comfortable temperature. A room that is too hot or too cold has a negative impact on your sleep.
  • A full or empty stomach can also disrupt your sleep. A light meal before bedtime can help you sleep better.
  • Avoid caffeine (e.g. coffee, tea or Cola) and energy drinks (e.g. Red Bull, Nalu).

The skin

Skin pigmentation increases in pregnancy.

This can cause:

  • red cheeks.
  • a darkening of the skin around your nipples and vagina.
  • a 'pregnancy (dark) line' between pubic bone and navel.
  • if you stay in the sun for too long, you may get dark spots on your face. BE AWARE that these patches will never disappear.


  • Avoid sunbathing and using a sunbed.
  • Use a high-factor sunscreen.

Blood flow and hormone levels


  • Increased sweating.
  • Acne.
  • Oilier or drier skin.
  • Your nails becoming brittle and chipping more easily.

TIP: Avoid using too much soap. It is not good for your skin and certainly not for your vagina.

Dental hygiene


  • The increased blood flow in your mouth during pregnancy may cause your gums to bleed more quickly.
  • Oral infections can spread easily to the rest of the body through the bloodstream.
  • Good oral hygiene is therefore essential.


  • Have a check-up at the dentist during your pregnancy, particularly if you have any complaints.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush.
  • Do not use a mouthwash (e.g. Listerine). These products are aggressive and damage the oral mucosa, resulting in small wounds that can cause bacteria to enter your bloodstream.

Always use a condom when giving oral sex to avoid germs getting into your body through your mouth. Don't brush your teeth immediately before or after a blow job. This can cause abrasions that allow bacteria to enter your body.

Sore breasts


  • During pregnancy, the mammary glands of your breasts develop and make your breasts grow bigger and become more sensitive. Some women experience sore, tender breasts in early pregnancy.


  • This discomfort usually disappears during the second trimester.
  • If you have breast implants, ask the advice of your doctor/gynaecologist about milk production, breastfeeding and tender breasts.

Vaginal Hygiene


  • Due to increased blood flow to the vagina, the skin around the vagina can become darker.
  • You could have increased white vaginal discharge.
  • Due to the hormonal changes, there is a greater risk of contracting a yeast infection.
  • Good vaginal hygiene is essential.


  • Wash your body with water instead of soap.
  • Do not wear panty-liners too often. They may cause irritation and itching.
  • Wear cotton underwear after work.
  • Consult your doctor if the colour and smell of your vaginal discharge changes,

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